安坐客户端在云端文件修改完了 也下载了zip文件 但是要怎样生成APK文件呢?郁闷郁闷呀
Error:(1, 1) A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'.
> Failed to apply plugin [id 'com.android.application']
> Your project path contains non-ASCII characters. This will most likely
cause the build to fail on Windows. Please move your project to a different
directory. See http://b.android.com/95744 for details.
This warning can be disabled by using the command line flag
-Dcom.android.build.gradle.overridePathCheck=true, or adding the line
'com.android.build.gradle.overridePathCheck=true' to gradle.properties file
in the project directory.
另外在手机版点桌面模式变成找不到文件 看下链接地址是 http://www.acmzm.com//www.acmzm.com/是这样的?